How much could you borrow?

Helping contractors like you get the mortgage you deserve.


Experienced, knowledgeable & friendly advisers.

Contractor types

PAYE through an Umbrella Company, through your own Limited Company, self employed status.

Bespoke Mortgages

Our team will help you to secure the best deal for your circumstances.

Why choose Contractor Mortgage Finder?

Our Advisors understand exactly which lenders to approach and how to best position your circumstances to them

Whether you are PAYE through an Umbrella Company or contracting through your own Limited Company, a specialist Mortgage Advisor with the right knowledge and contacts can not only make the difference between you getting a mortgage or not, but they also ensure you will obtain the best interest rate available to you.

Have you been told any of the following when trying to obtain a mortgage

We're here to help you

Relax & let contractor mortgage finder take the stress out of your contractor mortgage application.

Believe it or not, a lot of lenders, Banks and Building Societies do have Contractor Mortgage criteria, lenders like Halifax, Scottish Widows, Virgin Money, Clydesdale Bank, Skipton Building Society, Barclays Bank, Nationwide, Natwest, Accord Mortgages and many more. The problem is when you go into a branch or speak to one of these lenders direct, their own in house Advisors do not really understand contractors in the way our Advisors do. This is why going through a specialist Contractor Mortgage Advisor is key as they will ensure the application is positioned in the right way and sent to the right people at the lender to assess your circumstances in the correct way making it a smooth and seamless process.

These days contractors can access the same rates in the market as everyone else, and rates will depend on factors such as deposit size, income, period of borrowing, type of mortgage and whether you are a first time buyer.

Contractor Mortgage Finder

some of Our Lenders

Talk with a fully qualified advisor

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